Volunteer Positions

The best thing you can give The Mission is your time! We are building a community of volunteers.
Check out the positions below. Fill out this form for more information.

Volunteer Positions

Our Welcome Center Host will be the first stop anybody makes as they enter The Mission.

Duties include: Assisting patrons with basic needs, welcoming new patrons, taking temperatures, connecting staff to visitors, accepting donations, light cleaning and sanitizing

Qualities that fit best in this position:

  • Warm and welcoming
  • Organized
  • Communicates well

The Mission Chefs plan, prepare, and clean up after a meal. We have all skill levels currently on our volunteer team. If you can warm up soup, we can find a place for you. We currently serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of the week.

Duties Include: Planning meals for approx. 30 adults, communicate with staff regarding grocery needs, prepare and serve meal, clean-up after the meals (oftentimes, a patron will offer to help with this step)

Qualities that best fit this position:

  • Timely
  • Slight cooking experience
  • Communicates well
  • Tidy

Our overnight volunteers serve from 8:45 pm – 8:00 am. It’s long hours, but because of this position, we can provide an average of 35 people per night with shelter, safe from the streets. This means these patrons are not having to find a place outside or otherwise to sleep while maintaining their employment, casework, or many other responsibilities.

Duties Include: Supervising overnight check-in, communicating with on-call staff/ emergency services as needed, overseeing patron expectations and behaviors, ensuring The Mission stays at Health Department assigned capacity

Qualities that best fit this position:

  • Timely
  • Communicates well
  • Flexible
  • Kind
  • Decisive

As a small non-profit, we’re always looking for ways to engage our community. If you have an idea, let us know. We’d love to collaborate with you.

We also frequently have special projects such as: building closets, moving items to surplus, assisting with an event, gardening, etc.

Qualities that best fit this position:

  • Creative
  • Flexible
  • Organized
  • Communicates well

Our Maintenance Workers will be responsible for the small projects around the building.

Duties Include: Assemble/move furniture, install shelves and the like, deep cleaning, maintaining the maintenance closet, mowing the lawn, etc

Qualities that best fit this position:

  • Committed
  • Strong
  • Works independently
  • Problem solver

In the event of an emergency should one of our volunteers not be able to make it in, we need someone we could call to cover their shift for the day. This is an as-needed position.

Duties Include: Supervising overnight check-in, communicating with on-call staff/ emergency services as needed, overseeing patron expectations and behaviors, ensuring The Mission stays at Health Department assigned capacity

Qualities that best fit this position:

  • Timely
  • Communicates well
  • Flexible
  • Kind
  • Decisive