Case Management
What We Do
Case Management
Case managers conduct initial assessments to understand the needs of guests. Then they provide guidance to help guests address the challenges they face. Case managers help guests gain stability, prepare for housing and transition into permanent housing. They also connect guests to the critical services and resources they need including:
Member of Missouri Balance-of-State Continuum of Care (MO BoS CoC)
The Mo BoS CoC is made up of committed leaders and service providers who are working to end homelessness in some of the most rural parts of the state. Mo BoS CoC is the avenue in which community members in service-hub cities, rural counties, and other communities across Missouri have the opportunity to partner for solution-oriented responses to homelessness.
As part of the Mo BoS CoC, The Rolla Mission utilizes the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). An HMIS is an electronic data collection system that stores information about the individuals who seek homeless services. It is a valuable resource because of its capacity to integrate and un-duplicate data from all homeless assistance and homelessness prevention programs in a Continuum of Care (CoC). Through the HMIS, TRM is able to connect its patrons with resources all over the state to find housing more quickly.